Carrboro Run Club

Tag: Traveling Pint Cup (page 3 of 8)

Forbidden City, Beijing, China

The Pint Cup knows the right people as it was let into the Forbidden City in Beijing.

Great Wall of China

The Pint Cup returned to the Great Wall with Yik and Emma and took in the beautiful sights and sounds!

Senso-Ji, Tokyo, Japan

The Pint Cup discovered this shrine accidentally, and it was the best mistake it ever made.

Osaka Castle, Japan

The Pint Cup left Osaka with a whole new respect for and fear of the Samurai.

Takahara, Kumano Kodo, Japan

The Pint Cup stayed in a lovely Ryokan and ate more delicious food than it knew what to do with.

Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo, Japan

The Pint Cup tried to be mature while watching scantily clad men wrestle one another.

Sagano Bamboo Forest, Kyoto, Japan

Peaceful walk through the Sagano Bamboo Forest

King’s Peak, Utah

The Pint Cup busted out a 30 mile round trip hike to the highest point in Utah! All in the name of finding adventure and proving to men that they just shouldn't mansplain to women because they will always be wrong. šŸ™‚

Berlin Marathon

The Pint Cup traveled a bit around Europe and then casually ran the Berlin Marathon with Doug Kopec!

Zen Squirrel Trail Run

A whole lotta pub runners and pint cups were sighted at the Zen Squirrel trail run!,

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