Carrboro Run Club

Tag: Traveling Pint Cup (page 2 of 8)

Jamestown, NY

The Pint Cup got to enjoy snow over the holidays, and made an ADORABLE new friend!

La Ventana, Baja, California

The Pint Cup returned to Baja with Agustin for another kite surfing trip with his friends from all over the world!

Manigod, France – French Alps

First trip of the NEW DECADE! The Pint Cup visited JC's hometown, with a population of 1000 people. It went skiing and took in the beautiful view of the French Alps!

Bismark, North Dakota

Turns out the Pint Cup is quite good at ice hockey! It got lessons from the mid western and Canadian pub runners Andy and Sarah.

Tahoe, California

The Pint Cup went skiing in CA with Yik over the holiday break, and blended in well with the scenery!

Playa Galardonada, Costa Rica

The PInt Cup made a new friend!! And then got thrown down from a tree. No pint cups (or monkeys) were harmed in the capturing of this photo.

Louisa May Alcott’s House – Concord, MA

The Pint Cup visited the famous author's house just weeks before the cast of the 2019 Little Women movie visited!! The Pint Cup is like, basically famous.

Somewhere in Arkansas

This business trip was not very nice to the Pint Cup, and the entire state of Arkansas has been blamed by Jeff Jeff for the cup's bad fortune.

National Center for Atmospheric Research – Mesa Lab, Boulder, CO

The Pint Cup followed Jeff Herrick on a business trip out to Colorado, and breathed in that sweet, sweet fresh mountain air.

Moon Hill, Yangshuo, China

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