A whole lotta pub runners and pint cups were sighted at the Zen Squirrel trail run!,
A whole lotta pub runners and pint cups were sighted at the Zen Squirrel trail run!,
At it again - Tom and Kristen returned to VA beach to kill it in the half marathon!
Several groups of pub runners (UNC Med students, Godiva Track Club master's ladies) headed west in 2019 to the mountains of NC to run the Blue Ridge Relay! The pint cup helped them all run 200 miles to the finish line in Asheville, NC!
The pint cup took a trip out to the coast and competed in a sailing race with Derek and Allison.
Another half marathon in the books! There's nothing like finishing up a race, and then relaxing the rest of the afternoon at the beach. 🙂 The pint cup really knows how to pick a race.
Where are you from? Coopersburg, PA (about an hour and a half north of Philly. Near Allentown, like the Billy Joel song.)
How long have you lived in the area? FIVE YEARS holy cow
What are three words your friends would use to describe you? Positive/upbeat, organized, and… umm, supadupafly?
Why do you run? I started running to improve my health, but over time, I came to genuinely love it – for physical health, mental health, and just plain old fun! I continue running because I feel driven to improve, and enjoy testing the limits of how long or fast I can go.
Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run? I’m easily peer-pressured into running-related things, so Steph barely even had to try to convince me! Also because I enjoy having a shared hobby allow me to meet such kind people with diverse experiences and interests who I might not otherwise have ever gotten to know.
What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run? I love how community-driven it is – everyone is friendly, there are always updates or people reaching out about races and other things happening in the area. I’ve met so many awesome people who I wouldn’t have ever run into through school or work, and that’s really neat! AND now I have more running buddies.
Describe the most recent (appropriate J) photo you took with your phone: A picture of a pizza I got from the pizza truck last weekend, so that I could send it to a few pizza-lovers and make them jealous!
What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you? I think the best life advice I’ve gotten was from my mom, years ago, and it was to value my own happiness.
If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be? Oh man this is tough. I’d love to be able to play classical piano. I took piano lessons as a kid but hated it and stopped once I got to the point where I couldn’t get away with not practicing. As an adult, I regret it! Alternatively, if money wasn’t an option and I could hire someone else who had the skill, I would hire a personal chef.
Tell us something about yourself that not many people know: I did karate for years as a child. Sometimes, I really miss it.
What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of? I’m pretty proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone after undergrad and moving to North Carolina for an 8 week summer internship, sight unseen with no real established connections. I met lots of wonderful people and figured out what I wanted to go to grad school for, and now five years later I’m still here!
Please share your favorite quote or slogan: I’ve never been a huge “quotes” person. I have some written down that have really popped out at me over the years, but since they all require me to go back and look at them to remember them, that probably means they aren’t my “favorite”. Slogan… when trying to encourage others (and myself), I usually go with “YOU GOT THIS!” Short, gets the point across, and can be a mental pick-me-up and boost your confidence if you take it to heart and know that someone else believes you can do “it” – whether it’s running, a tough work situation, a big test.
Anything else you’d like to share with us?! Maybe one of my three words should have been “verbose”…
The Pint Cup kicked butt in the Kiawah Half Marathon. It paced Pub Runner Shauna Griffin to a fantastic finish.
The Pint Cup just loves a good race, especially when the BEACH is the backdrop!
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