Carrboro Run Club

Tag: Pub Runner of the Week (page 3 of 4)

Janna Howard

Where are you from? Coopersburg, PA (about an hour and a half north of Philly. Near Allentown, like the Billy Joel song.)

How long have you lived in the area? FIVE YEARS holy cow

What are three words your friends would use to describe you? Positive/upbeat, organized, and… umm, supadupafly?

Why do you run? I started running to improve my health, but over time, I came to genuinely love it – for physical health, mental health, and just plain old fun! I continue running because I feel driven to improve, and enjoy testing the limits of how long or fast I can go.

Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run? I’m easily peer-pressured into running-related things, so Steph barely even had to try to convince me! Also because I enjoy having a shared hobby allow me to meet such kind people with diverse experiences and interests who I might not otherwise have ever gotten to know.

What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run? I love how community-driven it is – everyone is friendly, there are always updates or people reaching out about races and other things happening in the area. I’ve met so many awesome people who I wouldn’t have ever run into through school or work, and that’s really neat! AND now I have more running buddies.

Describe the most recent (appropriate J) photo you took with your phone: A picture of a pizza I got from the pizza truck last weekend, so that I could send it to a few pizza-lovers and make them jealous!

What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you? I think the best life advice I’ve gotten was from my mom, years ago, and it was to value my own happiness.

If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be? Oh man this is tough. I’d love to be able to play classical piano. I took piano lessons as a kid but hated it and stopped once I got to the point where I couldn’t get away with not practicing. As an adult, I regret it! Alternatively, if money wasn’t an option and I could hire someone else who had the skill, I would hire a personal chef.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know: I did karate for years as a child. Sometimes, I really miss it.

What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of? I’m pretty proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone after undergrad and moving to North Carolina for an 8 week summer internship, sight unseen with no real established connections. I met lots of wonderful people and figured out what I wanted to go to grad school for, and now five years later I’m still here!

Please share your favorite quote or slogan: I’ve never been a huge “quotes” person. I have some written down that have really popped out at me over the years, but since they all require me to go back and look at them to remember them, that probably means they aren’t my “favorite”. Slogan… when trying to encourage others (and myself), I usually go with “YOU GOT THIS!” Short, gets the point across, and can be a mental pick-me-up and boost your confidence if you take it to heart and know that someone else believes you can do “it” – whether it’s running, a tough work situation, a big test.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?! Maybe one of my three words should have been “verbose”…

Let’s highlight some of Pub Run’s finest, shall we?

Do you know how magical The Station Pub Run is? Yes, it’s a running group that meets once a week. But it’s really so much more than that. The Station Pub Run is a place where new connections are made, old friendships are strengthened, everyone gets one step closer to whatever fitness goal they have - it really is a beautiful thing. There is a kind of momentum to Pub Run, and I don’t think I’m the only one who feels it. Sometimes at the end of the run, when everyone is back at the bar, gathered in little pods chatting, laughing, and drinking beer, I stand back and try to absorb what’s going on around me. It feels so... organic!

Each week, new runners join our group. They either heard about us from a friend, saw us running through town and did some research, or found us on the interwebs. (I WISH - random google searches have not turned us up yet. While I’m on that subject: - google it NOW. Please and thanks.) Regardless, we’re growing, but not at an unsustainable rate. At the end of the day I think we’re still a close-knit community of runners that is very welcoming to new fools that get duped into joining our ranks.

It has taken a lot of effort to turn the Station Pub Run into what it is today: equal parts dogged determination, naive optimism, shameless persistence, goofy-as-hell-enthusiasm, and any other set of descriptors that indicate pushing forth with ideas and actions when the surrounding world thinks you’re just plain ridiculous (read: the traveling pint cup map now hanging on the station front porch). But this effort does not just come from me, it comes from members of our running group as well. First and most important, you all keep showing up! That’s huge. If there were no other runners in this group, I would just be one sad soul sending emails to myself and standing on tables at a bar. Okay I would probably just go for a run by myself. Okay if I’m really being honest, I would probably just go home and sit on my couch, let’s be serious.

But also many runners have gone above and beyond, and have donated their personal time and professional talents to the greater good of The Station Pub Run. While I initially felt very guilty asking people for help (we can thank my Jewish mother for that one), I’ve learned over the years that people WANT to contribute, and it actually helps to make everyone feel more connected with our group. We’re like the co-op of Pub Runs, and I like to think that everyone shares a little piece of the ownership. So now, like a sappy award recipient, or ridiculous person that I am (you can pretend I’m Leslie Knope if you want, I would take it as a complement), there’s a few people that deserve a thanks. Be sure to click on their names below, to learn more about each one!!

Photo Cred: Ted Richardson

For starters we have Yik Lam - the ever-dependable “Back-Up Back-Up Run Club Coordinator”. (For the record, there is no Back-Up Run Club Coordinator.) I could probably count on my right hand the number of times that he has missed a Pub Run. He has served as my sounding board for the past several years, and has contributed so much of his own time and resources to our group. (I believe his ultimate plan is to be listed as a sponsor the next time we order shirts, bahaha.) I sometimes even trust him to babysit the run on the rare occasions that I cannot make it out. If there is anyone who eats, sleeps, and breaths Station Pub Run as much as I do, it would be this gentleman right here.

Next up there’s Suzy Porterfield - our resident graphic designer. Did you know she has her own side business designing paper products with clever sayings? And she does design work for her day job too. And somehow she finds the time to fulfill my requests to put together products for The Station Pub Run. Those amazing shirts you own with the giant message on the back that beckons fellow runners ¼ mile behind you to run with you to beer? You can thank Suzy for that. And those redesigned frequent runner punch cards that now have our website listed on them?? The magic touch again, of our very own Ms. Porterfield!

And how about all those amazing new photos that are starting to go up on our website and social media? They certainly didn’t come from a cell phone camera! Ted Richardson is Station Pub Runner by night, and professional photographer by day. And he very generously photographed us WHILE RUNNING HIMSELF one evening, all for free. I think I may have given him a sticker as a thank you. So I take that back. Ted got paid with a $2 sticker. Does that make him a sponsored runner now?

And finally - Jonathan Tweedy is probably the person whose talents I have exploited most of all. The very website on which you are reading this post (congrats if you’ve made it this far) has all been made possible by Jon. He programs websites for a living, and could have charged me a very fine premium for this site. Instead he has dedicated SO MUCH time to this project, and has very kindly responded to my website requests at all hours of the day and night. And conveniently, Jon likes to work out of bars, so our “website meetings” often occur over a good drink. 🙂 Everybody's a winner!

I personally pour my heart and soul into the Station Pub Run. I do it because I love our running group, and it’s worth it to me to invest my time and energy into something that I think makes a difference for people. (And I do dream of a distant day when I can make running-group-organizing a full time, paying gig - a girl can dream!!) It’s worth it to me to have a solid running community in the heart of Carrboro. And I know this passion has overflowed into you folks as well. A passage from a book I recently read sums it all up better than I can:

“But here’s something amazing. Although you should give simply for the sake of giving, the reality is that abundance that brings us more joy, more love, more wealth, and more meaning in our lives. Generally speaking, the more you give, the wealthier you feel. And it’s not just a feeling. As strange as it may seem, the truth is that money often flows faster to those who give. Why? Because givers attract abundance into their lives rather than scarcity.”

All of this generosity is incredible, and these words could not be more true. “Givers attract abundance in their lives.” Maybe I give a lot to the pub run, but you all give back 100 fold. In addition to the people credited above, we have many community members who have donated in-kind gifts to our run: The Station continues to provide the major food discounts connected to our punch cards, raffle prizes have been donated from Fleet Feet Carrboro, Ed Billings of Terra Nova Real Estate and Tina Clossick. Anonymous cash donations have even trickled in here and there from some of your fellow Station Pub Runners (this one leaves me speechless! Just kidding, I can ALWAYS find words). People even bring food, treats, and other giveaways (read: boxes of audiobooks from Shauna; ants on a log from Doug, ha!) just to share with their fellow runners!

Our run started from very humble beginnings, and I’m very proud of our grassroots effort to make it grow to the extent that it has. While there are the obviously visible efforts you see and read everyday, there are MANY behind the scenes contributions that you should all know are just as responsible for our success. I want you to know that everything you all do for this run has not gone unnoticed, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully express how much I appreciate you all for your help. (Maybe we can do retroactive kickbacks when Station Pub Run gets bought out by Amazon?? Or when we become a publicly traded company? We should probably start forming a board of directors just in case!)

Alright, I think I’ve said enough for now. If you somehow missed the message in today’s post, it is a big, resounding THANK YOU to all. Tally ho!

Yik Lam

Where are you from?  What is more important: where I’m from, or where I’m going? Where I’m going is to a place in life where I have a satisfying job, contribute a little good to the world, and can have fun and adventure with loved ones. Where I’m from? California.

How long have you lived in the area?  6.5 years per the western calendar.

What are three words your friends would use to describe you?  Funny, over-the-top (is that one word?), and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Why do you run?  Some of my closest relationships have been formed because of running. Running is a great starting point to share stories and get to really know people. Also, zombies.

Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run?  When you drink the Steph Kool-Aid, you don’t make your own decisions.

What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run?  Keeping up with friends, meeting new people, and the post-run stench of achievement.

Describe the most recent (appropriate J) photo you took with your phone:  My co-worker Evan and me eating Arby’s.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you?  “When you floss, you have to really get in between your teeth and into your gums.” – My dental hygienist.  Symbolically, I take this advice to mean that whether working or traveling, it’s important to take the time to really understand other people and places. On a more surface level, a good floss reduces gum bleeding.

I would like to submit a second piece of advice: “Put away your cell phone.” – My girlfriend Emma

If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be?  I would be fluent in all the world’s languages so I could commune with all of humanity. There is nothing more rewarding than having a conversation over dinner, a beer, or a cup of tea wherever you are in the world. Also, you can more easily talk about people behind their backs.

Oh, I would like to be a great dancer too…

Oh, and I wish I could sing better…

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know:  I’m a middle child, and middle child syndrome is a thing. I’ve spent a large portion of my life trying to break out of the anonymity associated with such an affliction. Some of my prouder achievements associated with flailing my arms around for attention include:  Spending two years teaching math in Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer, running my first marathon, and achieving the status of backup-backup run club coordinator.

What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of?  Over a four-week span in early October, I hope to: run my second marathon, run a 5K, run my first ultramarathon, and participate in the Tuna Run (200-mile team run). Will I succeed in all these endeavors? Probably not. But one can take pride in glorious failures, right?

Please share your favorite quote or slogan:  “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has” – Margaret Mead

Applicable to Station Pub Run, I believe.

A close second is: “Tally Ho!” – Steph

Anything else you’d like to share with us?!  A couple of thoughts:  I like bringing my running shoes on vacation. Most recently, Emma and I ran around Paris.  This was a great and different way to see the city. Also, it built up an appetite for chocolate croissants.

Never take for granted a good pub run coordinator. You can thank her with candy.

Ted Richardson

Where are you from?  Born in Charlotte, and have lived in NC my entire life.

How long have you lived in the area?  I’ve lived in Chapel Hill for 22 years.

What are three words your friends would use to describe you?  Spontaneous, focused, adventurous.

Why do you run?  To experience places, to meet people, to generate endorphins.

What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run?  The fast (but conversational) 5-mile run, and the fast (but conversational) beer-drinking afterwards.

Describe the most recent (appropriate 🙂 ) photo you took with your phone:  My shadow among the cacti at Tucson Mountain Park before an early morning trail run last weekend.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you?  “See the news, don’t be the news” — My first photojournalism boss.

If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be?  Flight

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know:  I went to middle school with Zach Galifianakis.

What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of?  Qualified for Boston this year - for the first time since 1996.

Please share your favorite quote or slogan:  “It’s the journey that matters” - Ernest Hemingway.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?!  Thanks for being part of my running community.

Suzy Porterfield

Where are you from? The suburbs of Seattle (but I lived in actual Seattle after college so I have some street cred).

How long have you lived in the area? I moved here to be closer to family and didn’t expect to stick around long, but here I am settled in 5 years later.

What are three words your friends would use to describe you? I asked and got 4… opinionated, creative, enthusiastic? and fun.

Why do you run? For the pub run perks, duh.

Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run? Ed Billings kept talking about how great it was, and I finally tried it out and realized he was SO right!

What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run? Everyone is so social and welcoming, even if you don’t know anyone when you show up you’ll know folks by the end.

Describe the most recent (appropriate 🙂 ) photo you took with your phone: My pup is doing PT for a bum ACL, so most of my photos are of her enjoying time using a water treadmill.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you? “Are you crying? Why? It’ll be fine.” I blew up my car in college and was talking to my dad on the phone and started crying. He could not figure why I was so upset because it was so obvious to him that everything would be fine. It was true then and it’s true for most things in life.

If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be? The talent of NOT procrastinating, think of all the things I’d get done!

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know: I lettered 10 times in high school and my long last name looked ridiculous on my little letterman jacket.

What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of? This summer I’m officiating the wedding of 2 close friends, I’ve promised to keep the cuss words to a minimum.

Please share your favorite quote or slogan: “There is always something to be happy about.”

Anything else you’d like to share with us?! Buy Pub Run stickers, someone really great designed them. 😉

Nichole Kanopoulos

Where are you from? Raleigh, NC

How long have you lived in the area? Almost 2 years

What are three words your friends would use to describe you? Organized, reliable, and competitive

Why do you run? I run because I always feel good after I finish, even on days I don’t have a great run. Our running community here is pretty fantastic, and it’s nice to see familiar faces while running through town and on race day. Also, I love being able to explore new places on foot, so running in new cities is always fun!

Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run? I heard from a fellow Pub Runner that the Station Pub Run was the place to be. In other words, Ed Billings recruited me.

What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run? Steph’s emails are always enjoyable (seriously, sign up for the emails if you don’t get them already), and I love the variety of people who show up each week. There are some really interesting people who come to Pub Run, and it’s fun connecting with them through an activity we share.

Describe the most recent (appropriate ☺) photo you took with your phone: A picture of a delicious breakfast sandwich I made: eggs, kale, avocado, and sriracha on a whole wheat English muffin.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you? Deal with the closest alligator to the boat first. In other words, when you have a lot going on, don’t waste your time and energy worrying about what’s coming later, deal with the problem that needs attention now, and then go from there.

If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be? The ability to draw and paint. I have zero artistic ability, so that has always been fascinating to me.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know: I cook and bake a lot, which most people know, but most people don’t know that I was burned (literally) pretty badly in middle school, which was followed by a phase where I was completely terrified of interacting with the oven.

Please share your favorite quote or slogan: “Let go or be dragged.”

Christen Campbell

Where are you from? Bainbridge Island, Washington

How long have you lived in the area? 9 years!!!

What are three words your friends would use to describe you? Smiley, empathetic and energetic.

Why do you run? Because of the way I feel afterward...and I love my runner friends. They’re the best.  

Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run? Because I’m a Steph Bryant groupie. I’m an original member of her first running group with Fleet Feet...and when she left, it totally changed the vibe. While I haven’t been as active of a member of the Station Pub Run, due to managing mom life, Steph’s magnetic energy really draws out the best in everyone.

What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run? The diversity that the Station Pub Run brings...all sorts of people from all over the world. Runners are also just good people.

Describe the most recent (appropriate 🙂 ) photo you took with your phone: I usually take pictures of my baby, Henri cause I can’t help myself. This weekend he decided to help me “garden” pinching small grains of dirt, one by one. So I did my best to capture his cuteness.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you? One day at a time. Idk who gave it to me, but life can get really busy and overwhelming, especially as a full time working momma. I didn’t know if I could manage working full time and momming, but then I remembered all the women who have done it before me. This phrase helped remind me to keep it simple.

If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be? I would probably be a professional ballerina. I love watching them--they’re so magical. But survey says it’s a little late for this to happen.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know: I’m an aspiring urban sheppard and urban farmer. I’ve petitioned the town of Carrboro to allow me get a small flock of sheep, and they unanimously agreed to look into it. The goal would be to use them for urban grazing instead of mowing.

What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of? I was awarded Teacher of the Year for my school (Chapel Hill High School). This is a big deal because it’s an award that is infrequently given to a language teacher. I am excited to use this as a platform to help advocate for the importance of language learning.

Please share your favorite quote or slogan: “Keep on rockin’ in the free world.” Neil Young

Shauna Griffin

Where are you from? Born in Hong Kong, raised in various parts of East Asia ‘til I was nine, then in New Jersey and California, but been in NC for a good part of my adult life, so….ya got me!

How long have you lived in the area? Since 2003. I came for grad school and decided to stay,

What are three words your friends would use to describe you? Depends on the friends. The ones in high school would have said “not a runner.”

Why do you run? Mostly for the awesome people and the socializing.

Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run? Because of Steph.

What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run? Oh totally Steph.

Describe the most recent (appropriate 🙂 ) photo you took with your phone: It was of a paper registration from someone who joined Godiva’s Running Start program (couch to 5k -- tell your friends!).

What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you? “Miles on feet is what counts.” And I don’t remember who, but it’s what gets me through bad runs -- so thanks, mysterious benefactor(s)!

If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be? To fly unaided by mechanics. But since that’s a fantasy, being able to sing happy birthday without causing ear pain in others would be nice.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know: I love shrimp chips.

What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of?

Please share your favorite quote or slogan: There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate?

Anything else you’d like to share with us?!  I have two adorable nieces and a vicious four-legged nephew who will totally rip your throat out. When he’s not busy getting belly rubs.

Bill Harris

Where are you from? South Jersey,  Mullica Hill. Exit 2 on the turnpike.  That’s jersey humor.

How long have you lived in the area? Since 1995.  Came to school in UNC and never went home. Philly urban sprawl engulfed over my small hometown while I was at school, so there really wasn’t a hometown to go back to.

What are three words your friends would use to describe you? Dorky, Energetic, Annoying

Why do you run? To maintain an active lifestyle and stay in shape.  Basically - so I don’t die at age 55 from a heart attack.

Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run? I was going to Fleet Feet Monday night runs, and Michelle Becker, Tina Clossick, and Avery Cheves told me to quit messing with that perpetually cancelled run and come to Tuesday night at Station instead.

What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run?  The organizer. Srsly. You do a great job with your passion and inclusiveness.

Describe the most recent (appropriate 🙂 ) photo you took with your phone: The march snowstorm in North Carolina to show to friends the stupidity of our recent weather.

If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be? Be able to dunk a basketball.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know: I’ve been to two Taylor Swift concerts and thoroughly enjoyed both.

What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of? Ran that first marathon and put up a semi-respectable time.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?! If you want to run faster, run with faster people!

Sofia Goldberg

Where are you from? Originally, Seattle, WA, most recently from Fort Collins, CO

How long have you lived in the area? 8 months

What are three words your friends would use to describe you? Adventurous, driven, and intense  

Why do you run? Why do I run… well before moving here I thought I had given up running for good! Needless to say, running and I have had an on-again, off-again relationship since I trained for my first ½ marathon back in 2010. I find myself pulled back to running for the community; and I also love the sense of awe and accomplishment I feel after a long run. It’s pretty dang cool that our bodies can move us so far!

Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run? After living here a few months, and living the making-friends-as-an-adult struggle, I was reminded that pub running has always been a reliable way to form community. I’ve joined pub running groups in Portland, OR, Tampa, FL, Fort Collins, CO and now here in Chapel Hill! 

What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run? Chuckling every week at Steph’s emails?! Oh – and the community!

Describe the most recent (appropriate 🙂 ) photo you took with your phone: Me, kissing a child-sized, orange weasel at 21c in Durham.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you? “Balance your equilateral triangle.” – random guy at art fair at New Belgium Brewery… using a triangle visual/metaphor to evaluate how balanced different components of life be it work, play, family, etc.  

If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be? Backcountry downhill skiing.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know: In Colorado I did volunteer trail maintenance on backcountry xc ski trails for the Forest Service. Every Friday I hopped in a truck with three retired men with my coffee, pack, skis, and saw to head up to the pass and mark trails, shovel bridges, and cut out/down trees obstructing the trail. I became quite the sawyer!

What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of?  I took a solo-bikepacking trip in Pisgah when I first moved here. 85 miles and ~9,000 ft of climbing in a day and a half was pretty freaking epic!

Please share your favorite quote or slogan: Not all girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains and no fear.

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