Carrboro Run Club

Tag: Pint Cup (page 7 of 13)

Costa Rica

The little Pint Cup that could - apparently cuppy is a huge lightweight...

Oliver Lamb

Where are you from?  I grew up about 10 miles outside the small university town of Aberystwyth, Wales.

(High fives for anyone who can pronounce that name correctly!)

How long have you lived in the area?  I moved here in January 2018 to start a postdoctoral researcher position at UNC.

What are three words your friends would use to describe you?  Driven, silly, and err…..tall?

Why do you run?  My research involves working around and on top of active volcanoes. If one decides to erupt, I need to be able to get out of there fast!

Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run?  Having just crossed the Atlantic from my home country, I needed to find ways to meet new people. The pub seemed like an ideal place to start.

What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run?  The lack of seriousness. It’s so nice to catch up with friends over a well-earned beer after a run.

Describe the most recent (appropriate 🙂 ) photo you took with your phone:  I have an amusing photo of my cousins dog, who live in San Antonio, Texas. A super close up of his nose and face while he was paying attention to a treat behind me!

What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you?  I’ve received a lot of great advice, but my parents teaching me to be patient is probably the best. ‘Patience is a virtue’, or ‘Good things come to those who wait’ is what they would say. In hindsight, this is actually terrible advice for running.

If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be?  The ability to understand and fluently speak any language I want. It’s so frustrating not being able to speak the local language wherever I go travelling.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know:  When I was 17, I spent three weeks working in a glacier research station in the far north of Sweden. I met the crown princess of Sweden when she decided to do a flying visit to the site!

What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of?  At the time of writing, I’m about to submit a revised manuscript about my work at Santiaguito volcano in Guatemala. If all goes well, it will be accepted for publication!

Please share your favorite quote or slogan:  I have this on the wall next to my office desk:

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you just don’t give up.” – Stephen Hawking

Basilica di San Luca, Bologna, Italy

Always one for adventure, the pint cup had to climb a ton of stairs, through 666 arches to get to the Basilica at the peak, the longest ‘portico’ in the world. It took Lara and Theo along as it's personal porters.

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Another half marathon in the books! There's nothing like finishing up a race, and then relaxing the rest of the afternoon at the beach. 🙂 The pint cup really knows how to pick a race.

Rome, Italy

The perk of having parents that move to other continents (other than their inability to "just drop in" on you) is getting to travel to go visit them!! The best part about this is that Shauna was so focused on getting a pic of the cup with the Colosseum, she forgot to take a photo of this historic structure without the cup. 😀

Grayson Highglands, Virginia

The one thing the pint cup loves more than hiking and running is... SMORES! He's got a bit of a sweet tooth.

Bilbao, Spain

Taking in some modern art at the Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Keep it classy, Pint Cup.

Salzburg, Austria

The hiiiillllllsss are alive with the sound of muuuusic! Welcome to Austria little Pint Cup!

Lake Huron – Au Gres, Michigan

Check out that coordinated Station Pub Run T-shirt and Pint Cup combo!! That's a mighty fine beach day if you ask me.

Munich, Germany

It's beer-drinking time for the Pint Cup! Little Pinty made friends with a crowd of giant beer steins, but he was hardly intimidated.

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