Carrboro Run Club

Tag: Community (page 17 of 19)

The Louvre, France

Look at you go pint cup, into the fine arts. So cultured.

Prana del Mar, Mexico

The pint cup enjoys long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners, and yoga retreats in MEXICO!

Asheville Half Marathon & 10k

The pint cup trained all through the winter and spring for the Asheville 10k and Half Marathon! And then enjoyed the wonders and sights of the town!

Kampala, Uganda

Sometimes the Pint Cup goes on work trips with our Pub Runners. Not a bad gig when your work sends you to Uganda - bonus when Uganda is where you spent much of your childhood so you can visit family while you're there!

Soldier Field, Chicago, Illinois

Chicago may be the most frequently visited location for the mighty Pint Cup. It also now has a permanent residence there with faraway Pub Runner Michelle Becker.

Sintra, Portugal

Rain can't stop the Pint Cup from touring new countries, and visiting some wicked cool castles.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Pint Cup traveled to ALL of the sights in Pittsburgh with Pub Runner Val!

Olympic National Park, Washington

From hot and dry to cold and rainy, the Pint Cup loves to travel to ALL kinds of climates. Most of all, the Pint Cup loves to explore the many beautiful national parks our world has to offer.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Days of trekking at high elevation landed the Pint Cup at this beautiful ancient city!

Zion National Park, Utah

Some badass Station Pub Run Pint Cups went to run the Zion 50k. The cups let these runners tag along, for photo ops only.

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