Where are you from? Greensboro, NC
How long have you lived in the area? 3 years
What are three words your friends would use to describe you? Funny, skinny, anxious
Why do you run? Mostly for mental health but also it’s a good activity I can do daily so that I don’t sit all day.
Why did you decide to join the Station Pub Run? I was looking for a good group of people to run with and it gives me something weekly to look forward to.
What is your favorite thing about the Station Pub Run? Fun activities other than just running. Nice people to be around.
Describe the most recent (appropriate ) photo you took with your phone: I was just in Brooklyn and took a cool picture of a stairwell leading up to a row house.
What is the best piece of advice you ever received, and who gave it to you? Do the best you can with what you have.
If you could have any talent or skill in the entire world, without needing to practice and money was no limitation, what would it be? To be a phenomenal dancer.
Tell us something about yourself that not many people know: Hmmmm, one has to get to know me first. 😉
What is something you have done recently, or are about to do, that you are proud of? Flew to NYC for vacation having not flown in well over a decade.
Please share your favorite quote or slogan: No Past, No Future.